Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day one shoot


-Production Design
-Helping DP
-Helping Director
-Helping Audio
-Editing coverage decisions
-Watch continuity
-Room tone
-Laugh tone
-Planning for future

The writer's room was full of surprises and wonder.

For our production design i was working on filling out a bunch of ideas on note cards to have in the room. Since they would not be the focus of the scene it was fine for me to write whatever I wanted on the cards. I decided to write either a combination of what people were saying in the room, or lyrics to songs that I had on my phone. This worked well and I was able to efficiently write down different words on the cards, that way enough attention is away from them.

With our DP and Director I was being conscious of the shots that we were taking. There were a few times where I asked Alec if he like the framing of a shot and then we readjusted it. With the DP I voice a few concerns of mine. One was with panning/tilting while the tripod is locked. It can damage the locks and if we were to do any movements it would not look pretty. Luckily all the shots were static today, but he did not take my advice.

Once Dave left I did my best to make sure that we had all of the audio coverage we need, ranging from laughs to room tone. The reason I placed emphasis on this is because I know that bad audio is what separates a bad production from an amazing one. People get turned off from bad audio quicker than they do bad visuals.

I was watching everything thinking from an editing standpoint if things would be easy to cut together, this was very nice and I hope that it will pay off once editing starts.

We got everything shot that we needed to today, which was good and while I had my doubts about the project before hand I think could actually be really funny. Anyway, we then had to clean up the spot and transfer all of the files to my hardrive.

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