Wednesday, May 7, 2014

On Camera Audio

For the cop pulling over Kip scene we only used a camera and a tripod. Since I know that audio on prior shoots had been neglected I volunteered to attempt to do audio on the camera. This was the first time I ever did audio for a production and I now know why some audio people can be such high maintenance. The microphones can pick up sound really far away, and when shooting outside there are a lot of things that you don't necessarily want in your scene, like the sound of the T-cat.

Last semester I did a shoot where cars were constantly driving by and that left me with a short fuse with cars. The scene I am referring to turned what should have been a forty minute shoot into a two hour shoot. Ever since then I actively try to avoid shooting near roads unless audio doesn't matter, or it is absolutely necessary. Also shooting outdoors is something I like to avoid now as well.

Audio is not a job I prefer, but I feel like I did a solid job. We'll see how it turns out in the final cut.

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